Financial Calculator
When planning your finances for the future, with regard to loans, credit cards and investments, our financial calculators can be of help. They make your planning more precise by helping you calculate the amount you need to save, invest or pay. Use our calculators and EMI ko banao LMI.
EMI Calculator
Ease the tedious task of calculating your monthly installments payable on your loans with our EMI calculator. Get information regarding your loan payments and save money. Make an informed choice to successfully meet your financing needs.
  • Personal Loan EMI Calculator
    Know how much you need to pay toward you personal loan repayment. Plan in advance and pay off comfortably!
  • Home Loan EMI Calculator
    With homes being our biggest investment, it is important we do it right. Use our EMI calculator to compute your EMIs beforehand so that you know the home loan amount you can comfortably pay off
  • Loan Against Property EMI Calculator
    Pledging your home for money is always a tough decision. However, our LAP EMI calculator can help make it easy by calculating how much you need to pay toward your EMI.
  • Education Loan EMI Calculator
    Very few loans enable you to carve your niche in the world, education loan is one such example. However, don't let loan repayment deter you. Use our Education Loan EMI Calculator and plan your loan repayment! So, go ahead, make a mark.
  • Car Loan EMI Calculator
    Buying you own car is no longer just a matter of status. For a vast majority of Indians, it is a matter of necessity and the Car Loan EMI calculator is an easy to use tool that allows you to estimate your EMI requirements for the car you are planning to purchase.
  • Gold Loan EMI Calculator
    Among various liquid assets, gold has a special significance among Indians and in times of crisis, a gold loan provides easy access to money at reasonable rates. Use our gold loan EMI calculator to estimate your repayments on the gold loan.
Home Loan Balance Transfer Calculator
Home Loan Balance Transfer (HLBT) Calculator instantaneously computes how much you can save by transferring your existing home loan amount to another bank. Use our HLBT Calculator to compute your savings before you migrate to a new lender.
Loan Eligibility Calculator
Our loan eligibility calculator informs you of the loan amount you are eligible for and the possible EMI. So, before you go ahead and apply for a loan, check your eligibility right here.
Deposit Calculator
Want to know how much you can earn on your fixed and recurring deposits? Deposit Calculator helps you find out how much interest you can earn on your deposits and the value of your investment on maturity.
  • Fixed Deposit Deposit
    Fixed Deposit Calculator calculates the compound interest and the total value of your FD over time
  • Recurring Deposit
    Recurring Deposit Calculator computes the values of total interest, helping you compare interest rates offered by different Banks on deposit plans
Gold Rate
Calculate the value of gold in your city by entering the purity level of your gold in the Bullion Calculator. Know the prices of Gold and Silver in real-time, and the change in their value as well.

Retirement Planning Calculator
Have you wondered how much money you will need to sustain your lifestyle after retirement? And, do you think with your current savings and investment planning you can reach that goal?

Use our Retirement Calculator to know how much you need to save for your retirement. Start planning for your retirement now to lead a stress-free life in your later years.